Dear Nikolai,
A few months ago I bought a balanset-1 from You.
Now I've started balancing tests, there are problems and I need your help.
1. I tried to balance the 2.5m long mulcher rotor, I did everything in the balancing manual, but the software showed me aunbalance in the P1 cca.1300 grams, in P2 650 grams. When I put this weigths rotor shakes even more, so I have to put weights a couple of times but the rotor is still unpredictable.
When I pull the rotor from the mulcher and put it on stationary balance machine, another software shows 300 grams in both planes and when I set the weights the rotor calms down.
2. 3m long mulcer rotor.
I make test run. Then I put test weight o 1st plane, I spin in and measure, remove weigth.
Put weigth on 2nd plane, spin rotor, measure.
And now starts my problems. Trim balance wants cca. P1=1400g@78deg and 680g@347deg. When I put like sofware said and spin and mesure, next result say something quite different. And rotor vibrate even worse.
So I put more and more weights but result is worse.
Please help me to understand what I am doing wrong.
When I balance on field I cant do anything, but when I put rotors on stationary balancing machine in two spins i can balance abouth anything.
From ten mulcher rotors that I ve tried to balance on field, I didnt successfully balance even one.
Best regards.